Key Readings and Other Resources
Science & technology expertise in Congress
“Fact Sheet: The Office of Technology Assessment,” Lincoln Network & Demand Progress
Zach Graves and Daniel Schuman, “The Decline Of Congressional Expertise Explained In 10 Charts,” Techdirt, October 2018.
Zach Graves, “Rebuilding a technology assessment office in Congress: Frequently asked questions,” R Street Institute, September 2018.
Zach Graves and Kevin Kosar, “Bring in the Nerds: Reviving the Office of Technology Assessment,” R Street Institute, January 2018.
Adam Keiper, “Science and Congress,” The New Atlantis, Fall 2004-Winter 2005.
Peter Blair, Congress’s Own Think Tank (New York: Palgrave Pivot, 2013).
M. Granger Morgan and Jon Peha, Science and Technology Advice for Congress (New York: RFF Press, 2003).
Alexandra Givens and Aaron Fluitt, “Improving Tech Expertise in Congress,” Institute for Technology Law and Policy at Georgetown Law, August 9, 2018.
Kevin Kosar, “How to Strengthen Congress,” National Affairs, Fall 2015.
Steve Teles and Lee Drutman, "Why Congress Relies on Lobbyists Instead of Thinking for Itself," The Atlantic, March 10, 2015.
Paul Glastris and Haley Sweetland Edwards, "The Big Lobotomy," Washington Monthly, June/July/August 2014.
Ash Carter, Laura Manley, et al., “Building a 21st Century Congress: Improving Congress’s Science and Technology Expertise,” Harvard Kennedy School, September 2019.
Franz Wuerfmannsdobler, Neal Neuberger, et al., “Congress Needs the Office of Technology Assessment to Keep up with Science and Technology,” Bipartisan Policy Center, July 2019.
Information technology infrastructure in Congress
OTA publications and related documents
“OTA Archive,” Federation of American Scientists.
“The OTA Legacy,” Princeton University.
GAO technology assessment office publications and related documents
CRS reports